Spiritual Care

Hospital Visits

Are you or someone you know going to be spending time in the hospital? Privacy laws prohibit hospitals from notifying us when hospitalizations occur, but we still want to offer spiritual support as needed. Please contact the office at office@firstumcfd.org or 515-576-7586 to notify us of a requested hospital visit and provide the following:

  • Name of the Hospital

  • Date of Hospitalization

  • Patient or Contact Person’s Phone Number

Spiritual Support

Congregational Care Team members are available for our members and attenders of our congregation. This team is a group of men and women who offer support, encouragement, and a listening ear to those in need.

Please contact the office at 515-576-7586 or email us at office@firstumcfd.org and a member of the Congregational Care Team will be touch.

Prayer Requests

Prayer is a practice that connects us with God, with each other, and transforms our hearts. If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time, we would love to provide some extra prayers.

Prayer requests can be submitted by contacting the office at 515-576-7586 or office@firstumcfd.org.

Additionally, prayer requests can be added to our weekly bulletins and monthly newsletters upon request.